Poppy in Toe

Quite literally. Poppy was a trooper considering she was put into a tiny carrier against her will and placed under the seat in front of me, to sit at my feet for nearly 24 hours. We flew Korean Air from JFK to Seoul, Korea to Siem Reap, Cambodia. The carrier looks almost like a purse so people were shocked when they heard a “Meow” or realized there was a cat inside. One woman said “she’s not an ordinary cat is she?” By that, I think she meant “wow, your cat is extraordinarily beautiful, poised, and well behaved”.

There weren’t any customs getting her into Cambodia, the only regulations we had to follow were those set forth by Korean Air: rabies vaccine, international microchip implant, and a health certificate.  We were lucky as some countries have much more difficult quarantine processes.

At the airport in Siem Reap we were picked up by a staff member of the school and dropped off at Monoreach Angkor Hotel where we would spend 7 nights while looking for rental properties. The airport is only about 10-15 minutes out of ‘town’.  Luckily, after viewing a range of apartments and homes, old and modern, priced high and low, I have found an apartment that is just lovely and had the two main things I was after: a decent view and a pool. With of course air-con and an affordable price. Photos to come.

Photos from Flight

New York – Flight Path – Landing in Korea

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Flight Path: Korea – Cambodia; Selfie: excited to arrive after 22 hours of travel!

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Monoreach Angkor Hotel


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